Red Forest sea pool

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It's just a calm little pool, right?
Location on the map.

A curious sea pool can be found at the north-eastern coast of the Red Forest island. When approaching it, the player can either look around it or enter the pool itself. Looking around the pool yields the player 65 krats. Choosing to jump into the pool is not as fortunate of a decision.

The pool has a large hole in the middle through which geysers shoot up in the air, and the pool gets drained into the ocean below at intervals. This is exactly what happens when the player decides to enter the pit: a geyser of water blasts through the sink (possibly knocking the player away), fills the pool with water that then flows back towards the hole, pulling the player with it.

With Agility 8, the player can run away from the impending doom and get back to safety unscathed. If that fails, the player gets stuck in the pit and tries to hold on to a jutting piece of rock with a Strength 8 check. If successful, the player perseveres the current until it eventually eases up; if not, the player is swept through the hole down into the cold ocean. Here, the last stat check happens, with Endurance 6, the player is able to swim back to the shore through the rough waters. If they fail that too, they eventually lose consciousness and wake up on the beach in the morning, shaken but alive.