WIP Main Page

From Teraurge
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Current version: v2.13
Note: The game requires Adobe Air to run.
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Teraurge is an in-development adult adventure/visual novel/role-playing game created by Meandraco with a focus on teratophilia and xenophilia.

In Teraurge, you play as an average person pulled through a portal into an unfamiliar and odd world populated with bizarre alien creatures. The world has many strange sights to see and just as many even stranger inhabitants to talk to. Will you try to find your way home, or will you find peace in this alien shipwreck dimension?

The game is and always will be free for everyone, but if you would like to support its development, you can donate to the creator directly on Patreon.


  • Mar 29th 2019: Teraurge v2.10 released.
  • Oct 16th 2018: Teraurge v2 released.
  • Apr 9th 2018: This wiki was created.

Random trivia

The Shining Pearl contains a jukebox, one of rare pieces of technology in Taodal.

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Don't know where to start? The article on Sejan leads to most of the early game content.
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Cat gameplay.png Gameplay

Modding and development

Do you want to know how to help the development of the game, or you're interested in modding it? You can find an information package on how to create a new character here! Also, check out the modding and development category, as well.

If you want to contribute to this wiki, be sure to familiarise yourself with the contribution guide.