Page namespace (page_namespace) | 2 |
Page title (without namespace) (page_title) | 'PaulinaLewers9' |
Full page title (page_prefixedtitle) | 'User:PaulinaLewers9' |
Old content model (old_content_model) | '' |
New content model (new_content_model) | 'wikitext' |
Old page wikitext, before the edit (old_wikitext) | '' |
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext) | 'Exactly who am I? That's a quality inquiry, then again I never will possess a high-quality answer. I'm not my [ profession]. I am not my overall look. I am a unique mind on this particular Planet. By profession, I am a Prenatal Massage Therapist. That indicates that I assist the perinatal population in my massage health care practice. I take therapeutic massage seriously; I was proceeding to be legal counsel or alternatively health practitioner, but in its place chose this valuable discipline. Was this a really good decision? I am fulfilled. That's pretty much all that I can easily express. [ massage during pregnancy] for pregnant women could benefit in many ways, I can't in fact determine exactly where to begin with. Merely search for the published research. I commit a good total of my leisure time in the woodlands or at the [ park reviewing] books on pregnant women and the postnatal cycle of a woman's experience.<br><br><br><br>So while I value the Scientific Method, I remain open-minded. Many modern people unscientifically uphold undue skepticism in their bias against novel ideas. I would certainly rather remain open-minded about scientific topics and questions we don't have real answers about.' |
Unified diff of changes made by edit (edit_diff) | '@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+Exactly who am I? That's a quality inquiry, then again I never will possess a high-quality answer. I'm not my [ profession]. I am not my overall look. I am a unique mind on this particular Planet. By profession, I am a Prenatal Massage Therapist. That indicates that I assist the perinatal population in my massage health care practice. I take therapeutic massage seriously; I was proceeding to be legal counsel or alternatively health practitioner, but in its place chose this valuable discipline. Was this a really good decision? I am fulfilled. That's pretty much all that I can easily express. [ massage during pregnancy] for pregnant women could benefit in many ways, I can't in fact determine exactly where to begin with. Merely search for the published research. I commit a good total of my leisure time in the woodlands or at the [ park reviewing] books on pregnant women and the postnatal cycle of a woman's experience.<br><br><br><br>So while I value the Scientific Method, I remain open-minded. Many modern people unscientifically uphold undue skepticism in their bias against novel ideas. I would certainly rather remain open-minded about scientific topics and questions we don't have real answers about.
' |
Lines added in edit (added_lines) | [
0 => 'Exactly who am I? That's a quality inquiry, then again I never will possess a high-quality answer. I'm not my [ profession]. I am not my overall look. I am a unique mind on this particular Planet. By profession, I am a Prenatal Massage Therapist. That indicates that I assist the perinatal population in my massage health care practice. I take therapeutic massage seriously; I was proceeding to be legal counsel or alternatively health practitioner, but in its place chose this valuable discipline. Was this a really good decision? I am fulfilled. That's pretty much all that I can easily express. [ massage during pregnancy] for pregnant women could benefit in many ways, I can't in fact determine exactly where to begin with. Merely search for the published research. I commit a good total of my leisure time in the woodlands or at the [ park reviewing] books on pregnant women and the postnatal cycle of a woman's experience.<br><br><br><br>So while I value the Scientific Method, I remain open-minded. Many modern people unscientifically uphold undue skepticism in their bias against novel ideas. I would certainly rather remain open-minded about scientific topics and questions we don't have real answers about.'
] |