Character stats

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Every character (and things or places that, on the technical level, act like characters) needs some sort of stats. These are collected in stats.txt, a file found in the character's folder alongside diag.txt, sprites and images.

Data are written by variable name first, followed by a colon (:) and whitespace, followed by the actual value. Each is typed on a separate line with no end line symbol needed.

The file is divided into several sections. The first one contains only a few lines of data and isn't encased in any way. The currently used stats are as follows:

Variable Value
default_env Default environment that's used when initiating a dialogue with the character. It can be changed later on in the dialogue, but this is the one the actor starts out with.
bubble_color Character's speech bubble colour. Use hexadecimal RGB values akin to CSS but without the pound (#) symbol.
text_color The same as bubble_color but applied to the actor's speech. Make sure the two colours have good contrast and are readable against each other (eg. don't use yellow text on white background)!

The second section is wrapped in <STATS (...) STATS> tags and contains the character's attributes, hitpoints and resistances used in combat.

Variable Value
charisma, will, intelligence, agility, strength, endurance The same type attributes the player chooses at the start of the game, but their values are unlimited.
hitpoints How much health the character has in combat.
heat_res, cold_res, impact_res, slash_res, pierce_res, magic_res, bio_res Resistances to damage types from various attacks

The third section is wrapped in <CARDS (...) CARDS> tags. It contains a list of moves the character can use during combat. Put each one on a single line with no divider or variable name included.

Another, rare section is used for characters that have a shop set up. Similarly to cards, you can type item names on each line in-between the <SHOP (...) SHOP> tags. In dialogue, you then use the start_shop function to open up a buy/sell menu. As of v2.13, this feature is only used with Tornoth.

Example stats.txt that contains most of the previously mentioned data:

default_env: sejan_forest
text_color: CFCDC9
bubble_color: 4F477F

charisma: 6
will: 4
intelligence: 7
perception: 5
agility: 5
strength: 5
endurance: 8

hitpoints: 40

heat_res: 0
cold_res: 3
impact_res: 0
slash_res: 1
pierce_res: 0
magic_res: 0
bio_res: 0
