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Besides water, there are only a handful of drinks currently known to exist in the game's world, most of them being alcoholic or in other ways recreational, served at the Shining Pearl.

Rolli[edit | edit source]

A glass of foamy Rolli.

Rolli is a sweet and bitter alcoholic drink prepared from various jungle fruits. It has a colour of honey and a rich foam, and its smell is reminiscent of fresh bananas. It's not as popular as meirolli due to its rougher and sweeter taste and lower alcohol content. It costs 4 krats at the Shining Pearl.

Some watery meirolli.

Meirolli[edit | edit source]

Meirolli is a tangy, dry alcoholic drink made by refining rolli. It has a sharp taste and it's richer in alcohol, giving its drinkers a stronger buzz. It too has a honey-like tint, but it's not accompanied by a thick layer of foam like rolli. It costs 4 krats at the Shining Pearl. However, the current batch of it in the Sejan tavern is very watery compared to the real deal.

Obassinian Black[edit | edit source]

You might enjoy this if you eat vomit for fun.

Perhaps a cruel joke for careless customers of Bykaas's who mix up their order of Obassinian Blue, Obassinian Black consists of mysterious black jelly with small chunks of feathered white spots which, as a whole, smells like rotting fruit and vinegar. It costs 10 krats to be offered this delicacy at the Shining Pearl.

When choosing to drink it, there are four slightly different scenarios that can occur based on the player's Will level:

  • Will 4: The player vomits before even taking a proper sip.
  • Will 6: The player vomits after taking a sip.
  • Will 8: The player vomits after successfully keeping the drink inside for a few seconds.
  • Will 10: The player downs the drink and keeps it in.

Note that Bykaas won't be happy having to mop up the player's stomach's contents from the floor. Only if the player manages to swallow and keep the drink inside do they earn an approving nod from Bykaas—and nothing else, because what would a prize for drinking this black rotten mess even be?

Bitter water[edit | edit source]

Bottle of bitter water

A plain bottle of bitter water.
Adats: 0 Krats: 2
Slot: Unequippable

Not much is known about bitter water but from the references to it by various characters, it seems to work as an effective post-coitus contraceptive. In other words, it's an unwanted pregnancy prevention / cure. How compatible it is with various species or what its possible side effects are is unknown. Bykaas sells it both as shots (on the house) and bottles (for 2 krats for female player characters and 10 krats for male characters).

"No, I don't think anyone likes drinking it. The word 'bitter' is there for a reason. I can't taste anything after a sip, completely numbs my mouths." -Bykaas

Even though bitter water is relatively cheap and proven to be an effective contraceptive, there are still people who rely on other methods of avoiding pregnancy. For example, Subni seems to think that there is a rule of thumb where it is supposedly impossible for people with different finger counts on their hands to procreate with each other. Additionally, there are people like Sulie who hadn't even heard of bitter water before being introduced to it by the player. How her isolated tribe handles the problem of unwanted pregnancies is currently unknown.

The male player character can give bottles of bitter water to Breirb/Nuirum and Sulie, which is a requirement for their sex scenes.

The female player character can give a bottle of bitter water to Sulie, but will not receive a reward for it, beyond a simple thanks. The Female player character can't drink the bottles themselves, so if they want to be sure that they won't get pregnant during their misadventures, they'll have to rely on the bitter shots Bykaas offers for free. There is no reason to do so, however, since pregnancy has not been included in the game for the female player character currently.

This image would be green if colours weren't meant to convey abstract feelings in these pics.

Ver Blood[edit | edit source]

A very sweet, fruity (and 'oddly cold') drink of green colour with bubbles suspended inside. It's named after a dangerous creature named the ver. Nkaanmykiunsuns orders it for the player if they drank her poison, as an apology.