Touhng is a type of metal recognisable by its distinct green colour. It's softer than steel, making it unsuitable for utilities like nails. However, its positive qualities include: It is immune to corrosion, it is easy to repair and shape, and it melts at lower temperature compared to steel. For these reasons, it tends to be the favourite metal of novice smiths.
Its origin is unknown, but Tornoth mentions that it's hauled from the Muds with barges full of it. The only object in the game which is made out of it is the ancient Sejan helmet. Remarkably, even after spending a long time in a dilapidated well, it is in good condition without any signs of corrosion on it.
It's also a fairly common material used to build roofs with, but the only place where it is known to be widely used as such is Taskenean.