Kratenex (also known as Nex) is a hallucinogenic drug made from crushed krats, taken intravenously with a needle. It induces vivid, colorful visions for the user. The player can share a fix with Nkaanmykiunsuns during her cuddling scene.
She laughs and falls on you. She hugs you and breathes into your neck. She partially melts into your skin as she inhales more sea into her brain.
The window becomes the reality of the rotation and you see yourself. You see the hand coiled inside you, it cannot touch things outside, you're the blind mute but you feel it stir.
Nkaan giggles to empty her head of the soft light. The percussive waves of heat drum the inside edges of your mind as she peers through herself to see you. She splits in half to engulf you
Grey ash falls onto your thoughts, extinguishing the waves. World is dark and you're only you.