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People of Noih use two types of currency, krats and adats. The difference between uses of the two currencies isn't rigid. For instance, some perishable things are seen as so valuable that they're priced in adats, and vice versa.

Krats[edit | edit source]

A bag full of krats.

Krats are the lesser currency, mostly used to buy perishable goods, like food, drinks or services. They have an appearance of brown pearls. They're created from concentrated ambient energy and randomly appear anywhere in the world. They can't be farmed, so harvesting them is not an easy thing to do. They're used for other things as well, including being eaten or used as an ingredient for medicine. Krats can also be refined into hallucinogenic drugs, namely Kratenex.

A single gleaming adat.

Adats[edit | edit source]

Adats are the higher currency, mostly used to obtain permanent or long-lasting things like tools, clothes or houses. These are actually manufactured; white powder that's mined is smelted and formed into smooth, white and shiny rhombi. They usually bear the sigil or symbol of its minter.

The white powder that adats are made from is called atanite. It's a metal-like substance that can be dented and bent with force. Atanite is almost unnaturally cold to the touch and can cause frostbite if kept in contact with bare skin for too long. Atanite cannot form hard edges even when cracked into pieces and will only break into smooth bits, like water droplets separating from each other. Chalky natural atanite is mined from mountains and other locations with monolithic rock formations, but it can also be found inside smaller rocks or boulders.