The Horns

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Warning! This article is about content not present in the game!

This article explains and deals with content that is not implemented in the game in any shape and form, yet!
Information provided here can change at any time and/or the content doesn't have to ever end up in the game as it is often in the concept stage.

The Horns ("Horns", "The city of horns")[edit | edit source]

Horns has been a capital of many empires throughout the ages, and it has been governed by many different rulers and governments, but it has had a historical tendency to end up again as an independent free city. The Horns is named after the colossal horns growing out of the desert sands, which have been mined and hollowed into skyscrapers, capable of housing an immense amount of population. Areas around the city are very fertile and have mostly been turned into farming areas to support the city itself.

Horns is the largest city on Noih population wise, four times as large as the next largest city. Its size and population makes it a dominant force in a significant portion of the rivers area. The towns and villages along the rivers are in theory independent, but they are in practice undeclared vassals to the Horns. The city of Horns only claims a small area around the city itself, and it seemingly has no further territorial ambitions.

The rich of the heights[edit | edit source]

The tips of the colossal horns house the wealthy and the powerful of the city. Their wealth rules over the city and the lands surrounding it. The wealthy try to avoid going to the lower levels of the city and prefer to use flying transports or skybridges to move in, out, and about the city. Some of the rich and nobility prefer to stay in lavish estates at the outskirts of the city.

Walled inner city[edit | edit source]

The inner city is most populated area of the Horns. It is the walled interior of the city where the eponymous 'horns' are located. It is heavily policed to only allow citizens in and out to limit the population inside the walls. Despite the restrictions, there is a constant problem of overcrowding of citizens within the inner city.

Overpopulated streets[edit | edit source]

Because of the land around the horns being so fertile, the abundance of food has enabled the city to be able to support a population much more massive than is considered comfortable. It has grown even worse lately as the conflict between Untonon and Horns makes the lands between them dangerous, and there is a constant stream of refugees that have packed into the city for safety.

Monsters in the sewers[edit | edit source]

There is an insane maze of piping under the city which is in disrepair and infested with dangerous and grotesque things.

Ancient tribes of the roots[edit | edit source]

Tribes of reclusive people live deep in the roots of the horns, and sometimes they wander into the urban areas. They do some business with the city and even sometimes claim areas and buildings from the city as their own. They are seen as strange and dangerous squatters to ordinary citizen.

The deep roots[edit | edit source]

No one has ever seen the roots of the horns, but there is some interest in them, so research and work is being done to reach them for study.

History[edit | edit source]

Recent history[edit | edit source]

Horns is in cold war with Untonon over the dominion of the rivers area.

Old history[edit | edit source]

Horns was in the confederacy that fought the Junar long ago.

Ancient history[edit | edit source]